You Have To Decide..What Do You Want For Your Children?

What is the real focus of education in America?
Upon the formation of our nation, as soon as the Pilgrims secured shelter, and formed "a body politic," the next order of business was to organize an education for the children of the new colony. A great book to read is "Of Plimouth Plantation" by William Bradford. Awesome book full of history and insights as early America was settled, written by the man himself who formed this nation. Primary sources (diaries and journals) of the actual people who lived history, are the greatest resources to investigate when searching for facts, not agenda which conveniently fits the 2017 narrative and perverted speculation, but facts. William Bradford expounds on the actual events which took place during the very first moments of the birth of our nation.

A century and one-half later, Thomas Jefferson had many insights on the topic of education; He discussed several aspects and layers of education, too many to include them all here. Here is one of his insights:
"I need say nothing of household economy, in which the mothers of our country are generally skilled, and generally careful to instruct their daughters. We all know its value, and that diligence and dexterity in all its processes are inestimable treasures. The order and economy of a house are as honorable to the mistress as those of the farm to the master, and if either be neglected, ruin follows, and children destitute of the means of living."

Jefferson, embodied creativity, individualism and a faithful guardian of liberty. He was an artist, architect, musician and possessed a great understanding of human liberty. I have included a drawing done by Jefferson, and the photos of the finished Monticello Tea room. There is also a photo of the Virginian mansion which he designed. There are many more buildings and living spaces which were designed directly by Jefferson, yet, how many American school children are privy to this knowledge today?
Sadly, he has been reduced to nothing more than the catch phrase of "Father of American Democracy." Jefferson did not seek to form a Democracy, he assisted in the formation of a Republic, NOT a democracy. However, that is a discussion for another day. For now, let's focus on individuality and the value of it.

In 1782 Jefferson authored the Notes on Virginia, among the topics of importance, he wrote this on the goals and results of education:

"Of all the views of this law (pertaining to education), none is more important, none more legitimate, than that of rendering the people safe as they are the ultimate guardians of their own liberty."

In a letter which he wrote to Levi Lincoln in the year 1802 he said this:
"The occasion (should be seized) of sowing useful truths among the people which might germinate and become rooted among their political tenets."

In contrast to Jefferson, yet more aligned to today's educational focus; Adolf Hitler wrote these words as it pertained to the education of the children:
"Whoever has the youth, has the future."And he was absolutely correct. We all know how far astray Hitler led the children of his nation. There is just as dangerous an agenda permeating education today. To Hitler, individuality, creativity, and family were counter-productive to his overall agenda to raise up a state owned nation to conquer the world. Using phrases like "empowerment," and countless others, he talked his nation astray. The educational design of our American schools, is full of agenda and propaganda leading our youth to a job.
Their entire educational experience from K-12 is with the goal of a career at the end of the journey, is robbing our children of their creativity, their individuality and identity.

Whether we realize it or not, the education of the child, directs the future of the economy and the laws of the nation by which the next generation will be governed. Our schools are stifling the youth of our generation. These children look to us to learn and explore and find the answers about themselves, where they came from, the God who created them and about life. How dare we deny any of them the fullness of knowledge. Our schools are not educating, they are indoctrinating. A not so subtle hi-jacking has happened right in plain sight. No Child Left Behind, Common it whatever you like, it is the deliberate hi-jacking of our youth.
Please, let's consider CARE-Fully the education of our children the only time we will live in this life? Take the time to listen to this video from Ken Robinson and "hear" his words. Let them sink in. Together, one heart at a time, one child at a time, we can take our children back.

>=Ken Robinson has an awesome message for all of us-WATCH HERE<=
