Give Them Life

This morning, I read a story which broke my heart. A young boy allegedly beaten to death by his parents. He had left a note which posed the question why couldn't he be given a mommy and daddy who loved him?

Wow! Our children are created by God almighty. Each one is unique and a gift to us. Some people mistakingly believe that children and inherently good. This is not so. The bible is very clear about children,

Proverbs 20:11 (King James Version (KJV))
11 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.

Children will provoke every range of emotion possible to our human souls. Our substance will be tested and tried in ways we never thought possible as we raise these lil' ones to adulthood. AND, I dare say, we will provoke them as well, either intentionally, or unintentionally.
However, how very sad indeed to find such a grievous situation as this wee one who wanted to be loved, beaten to death.

When children try us and stretch our existence to the brink of our strength, let us stop, step back, even pray and ask for God's mercy and abundant grace to flood us with the endurance we need to do no harm. It is ok to be challenged, it is normal to feel anger or frustration from time to time, but to take it to the extreme of ending their life is not ok. There are wonderful people out there who can help you and step in and assist.

We all have obstacles in life to overcome, no person is without their struggles and flaws. Children between 7ish and middle teens can be suddenly challenging in bizarre ways, but they are still children nonetheless. They are figuring the world out and beginning to express their individuality, while deciding which "rules" they agree or disagree with.

To take advantage of their vulnerability is almost unforgivable. They are at the in between child and adult stage and facing many challenges in their bodies, minds and emotions as they never did before. Walk with them, slow down a bit more, take more time for them and with them, and sit and listen to what they have to say.

Never forget that folly is bound in the heart of that child even more so in their teens. Yesterday they were the cute lil' one observing from the carseat or highchair; only held back by their undeveloped motor skills to facilitate their attempts to duplicate what they observed.
In what seems the blink of an eye, they are beginning to reason about the world, and mingling it with their immaturity while struggling with the new discoveries of their developing bodies biologically as well as physiologically. Now, they begin to put into action the desires they could only imagine before. It is here they reveal the substance which has been distilling inside of them.

Yesterday they were the cute lil' ones whom everyone spoke to. Suddenly unnoticed and shunned, they are taller, tripping over their over-sized feet as they are learning to navigate their growing body. Their faces are breaking out with pimples, legs are longer and skinnier, they are starting their puberty cycles etc. and they need understanding, empathy and comfort. The changes in the body they live in are scary enough, let alone the daunting humiliation of talking with us about these changes. I remember being too scared to ask anyone when my cycles began. With no mother in the home, who could I ask?

Add to the changes in their bodies, the unbelievable confusion in the society around them. Do you realize that we are the first generation of parents on earth who have had to contend with the generation of technology kids? Iphones, Ipads, Ipods, and computers and all of the ready on tap, instant access to only God knows what or WHO? WOW!

Society is promoting transvestites, pedophiles, homosexuality, drugs and the whole gammit of the depravity of man as "normal" and selling it to these children. Our children need us and our companionship, acceptance and our continual guidance. Conflict is certain to arise between parent and child during this development stage. Conflict provides opportunity. The opportunity to reveal your love to your child once more, never our rage.

James 1:20 "the wrath of man worketh NOT the righteousness of God."

We are all on a journey with our children, God give us the grace to see it for the privilege which it is.

No parent nor child is perfect. But do not be afraid to reach out for help when you need it. How could the lil' boy's story been different had they known there are others who may help them? The rage that these parents expressed, reveals their brokenness and their need for help as well.

Click here for help => BUILDING FAMILIES

Click here for help =>NATIONAL PARENT HELPLINE

Click here for help =>CoDi FAMILY CARE
(CoDi is an awesome group who helped me and my children when we escaped our harsh circumstances. They are wonderful for the whole family. As far as I know, they are exclusively an Alaskan resource, but you can check in your state to see if you have one as well. Visit their website and see if they have a group in your state.)

These children are looking to us for love, acceptance, understanding, guidance and forgiveness. Please reach out for help before endangering your dear ones? You will be so thankful later as you are literally saving lives.

(These photos are of the dear sons sent by God to journey with me. The truly are an heritage from the Lord, absolute gifts to my soul!)

~God give you the grace today to walk with your child or children and the courage to reach out for help~
