We have heard it said that the pen is more powerful than the sword.
Since when did the freedom of speech translate to license to slander? Daily we are bombarded with propaganda, agenda and lies. Countless money is poured forth to destroy the reputation of others. Why? Why do we spend our only life on earth seeking such destruction? Is it really worth it?Remember this painting? Norman Rockwell had a way of capturing the reality of life with the gentleness of humor. We can all relate to the messages revealed in his paintings. Everyone is guilty of gossip and/or slander at one point in our lives.
But today, an ongoing dialog of outright lies is streaming into our heads via, social media, newscasts, news articles, and even through college and education sources presented to kindergartners, elementary, middle and high-school students. The power of the written word is damning and sent over electronic devices presented as fact. It can circulate and recirculate for years doing lifelong damage to innocent souls. By the same token, honor, praise and misplaced credit can be assigned and spread for the undeserving soul and influence what we perceive to be fact, over the course of entire generations. Entire lifetimes have been destroyed by the deliberate misguidance of the spoken or written word.
Let us not be partakers in the verbal destruction of our generation worldwide
How about if we take our generation back, one heart at a time. Let us live by the simple rule our grandmothers taught us? If there be any truth, honor or praise, it is ok to pass along, so long as it does not damage or harm and it is useful for the betterment of mankind. Ask ourselves, is it true? It it necessary? Does it edify or encourage? If not, refuse to hear it, refuse to believe it, and refuse to let it cross our lips. Let us not be partakers in the destruction of our generation.
"God help us to walk circumspectly in the knowledge that YOU are a righteous Judge of every word and every deed."
Since when did the freedom of speech translate to license to slander? Daily we are bombarded with propaganda, agenda and lies. Countless money is poured forth to destroy the reputation of others. Why? Why do we spend our only life on earth seeking such destruction? Is it really worth it?Remember this painting? Norman Rockwell had a way of capturing the reality of life with the gentleness of humor. We can all relate to the messages revealed in his paintings. Everyone is guilty of gossip and/or slander at one point in our lives.
But today, an ongoing dialog of outright lies is streaming into our heads via, social media, newscasts, news articles, and even through college and education sources presented to kindergartners, elementary, middle and high-school students. The power of the written word is damning and sent over electronic devices presented as fact. It can circulate and recirculate for years doing lifelong damage to innocent souls. By the same token, honor, praise and misplaced credit can be assigned and spread for the undeserving soul and influence what we perceive to be fact, over the course of entire generations. Entire lifetimes have been destroyed by the deliberate misguidance of the spoken or written word.
Let us not be partakers in the verbal destruction of our generation worldwide
How about if we take our generation back, one heart at a time. Let us live by the simple rule our grandmothers taught us? If there be any truth, honor or praise, it is ok to pass along, so long as it does not damage or harm and it is useful for the betterment of mankind. Ask ourselves, is it true? It it necessary? Does it edify or encourage? If not, refuse to hear it, refuse to believe it, and refuse to let it cross our lips. Let us not be partakers in the destruction of our generation.
"God help us to walk circumspectly in the knowledge that YOU are a righteous Judge of every word and every deed."
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