I'll Pay You Back Gwamma

A sad thing happened today concerning my lil' buddy Elliot..

Elliot threw a slight tantrum today and accidentally broke his momma's front window. So, when he came to gramma's we had a talk about it. I explained to him that he will have to work to pay for that window. It will cost $850.00 to replace it as it is a very large window.

Of course he was very saddened, however, not because he has to pay for it. As we ate our lunch he said to me, "Gwamma, I am vewy disappointed in myself. I shouldn't have gotten mad. If I didn't get mad, the window wouldn't be bwoken." After I explained to him why we have to pay for the things we break, he reached into his lil' pocket and said, "Gwamma, you may have this." He held out 3 coins. Two-quarters and one-nickel.

Curious about his thoughts, I asked, "Sweetheart, why do you want to give that to me?"

He said, "To pay you back for giving me money for the window."
That honorable lil' fella brought tears to my eyes.
"Sweetheart, that is very honorable, but grammy is hiring you to do work for me to do a job. I would have had to pay someone else to do the work, so I am hiring you to do it, so you can pay your mommy. You do not have to pay me back for that love."

Phil 2 : 13 & 14
13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
14 Do all things without murmurings and disputings:

That lil' rascal went straight out for the agreed pay of $1.00 and he worked very hard with his uncle. When he came in to tell me, he was beaming with the pride of a job well-done and waited humbly for his $1.00. Instead, I paid him $2.00 for his awesome attitude and his faithfulness to do the job well without the slightest bit of murmuring. He accepted responsibility for his actions and his duty to make restitution. I admire this lil' man and told him so!

Let's invest in the next generation, one heart at a time.
