Water Overload?
For years now the health establishment has been leaning on people to drink more water—as much as they can stand or eight glasses, whichever comes last.
More water can supposedly cure everything from weight problems to heart problemsto diabetes. I’ve even been told drinking more water can cure my low blood pressure… While another doctor told my dad it could cure his high blood pressure.
The truth is, excess water consumption washes salt and potassium out of your system, leading to trouble from hypotension to fatigue to fainting and cellular...=>CLICK HERE TO READ MORE...<=
For years now the health establishment has been leaning on people to drink more water—as much as they can stand or eight glasses, whichever comes last.
More water can supposedly cure everything from weight problems to heart problemsto diabetes. I’ve even been told drinking more water can cure my low blood pressure… While another doctor told my dad it could cure his high blood pressure.
The truth is, excess water consumption washes salt and potassium out of your system, leading to trouble from hypotension to fatigue to fainting and cellular...=>CLICK HERE TO READ MORE...<=
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