Does a father have more rights than a mother or a child?

Swallowed in fear, shrouding the child in her arms, she fled from her new husband who pursued her in a drunken rage. As she reached the staircase, he caught hold of her throwing her down. Ripping the young child out of her arms, he jumped down the stairs. Without considering her own safety, she jumped to her feet reaching for his clothing to save her child. He suddenly turned and from the bottom of the staircase, caught hold of her ankle with one of his large hands, and proceeded to drag her down the stairs as she screamed in agony.

As she landed at the bottom, he released her and ran down the second flight of stairs with their child paralyzed in fear. He slammed the door behind him as he carried the child to the garage. Silence surrounded the broken, frightened mother as she reached for the stair rail to pull herself to her feet.

During the drag down the stairs, she lost her footing and one of her legs was outstretched behind her while her other leg was wrenched helplessly in his grip. She felt like a wishbone. Catching her breath, she struggled to bring her feet back underneath her to stand. Once on her feet, she slowly made her way to the bottom of the second flight of stairs to the garage door. It was too silent. What would she find on the other side of the door? She had to get to her child. She gently turned the handle and opened the door and the scene before her eyes stunned her in absolute fear.

There stood her abuser holding their child in his left arm close to his body, and in his right hand, he held a fully loaded gun to his own head. Softly she tried to reason with him and asked him to give her the gun. In an instant he screamed, "Do you want me to shoot myself? Huh? Huh?" His face was red and the veins on the sides of his temples were swollen. His eyes were glazed over and blood shot from a combination of alcohol and rage.

The mother slowly and gently approached him, "Please give me the gun? Please? We can work through this. Please, hand me the gun?" Thoughtless for her own safety, she slowly approached him reaching for the gun. He handed her the gun, then suddenly shoved her backwards screaming, "Go ahead! Shoot me! Shoot me! Go ahead!" He shoved her so hard that she slammed into his roll-around toolbox, breaking a few of her ribs. She gasped to catch a breath as the wind was knocked out of her.

As suddenly as he had flared into a rage, he became frighteningly calm. He picked up the telephone and called 911. As she lay there gasping to catch a sip of air, he told the police that his wife was in a rage and out of control. He falsely reported that she had tried to shoot him and he feared for the safety of their child. Between the time he made the phone call and the time they arrived, she struggled to breathe. He stood there and smoked himself a cigarette as he waited for the police to knock on the door. Smirking as if in sick pleasure, he took a drag on his cigarette, and as he blew it out he said in calm controlled tone, "See what you made me do? This is your fault, you left me no choice."

Breathing required every bit of concentration she had, "Air in, air out." Slowly and deliberately she focused. Unable to move, she surrendered and sunk to the floor next to the gun. He finished his cigarette, stooped down, picked up the gun and hid it out of sight. When the police arrived, he calmly told them that his wife was in a rage and that he had to take the child from her to protect her. She was unable to speak to defend herself and tell them what really happened. Mistakenly believing his story, the police made the mother leave the home rendering the child who was too young to speak, at the mercy of her maniac psychopath father.

What was the child doing all of this time? She was clinging to her mother's abuser in utter fear. Too traumatized to cry, she clung to him in absolute silence, which the police wrongfully read as proof that the father's story bared enough truth to remove the mother from the home.

By the time this case escalated to the courtroom, the abusive father hired an attorney, dragged this mother to court where he presented himself very well in an expensive business suit, clean shaven, groomed up for the judge, touting father's rights, father's rights, father's rights. At the counsel of his attorney, he claimed that the mother was alienating the child from the father's love and affection. This corrupt attorney knew how to play the money game. Calloused to the needs of the child, this attorney taught this father how to save himself from paying child support, as if THAT is the issue at hand. With no regards for the truth, the attorney successfully navigated the abuser through the courts. The judge was a female judge. This abuser presented well, and she believed him.

The mother, shocked to the center of her existence that any of this was possible, cried helplessly in the court and did not present well. The judge ruled in favor of the well-groomed father in the suit. WOW!

But at the center of this circus of psychopath behavior, is an innocent child who bares the scars in her development, of this abusive father who ripped his family apart with his own wrath and bare hands. The child whom HE traumatized as he beat her mommy will bare the brunt of his wreckless actions for a lifetime. She will bare the brunt of the judges CARE-LESS ruling which enabled that abusive father to continue to damage his family. As the years have unfolded, that child, who CAN communicate now, has been the recipient of the same abuse she witnessed her father do to her mother. The adults to whom the responsibility fell to protect her, FAILED HER MISERABLY.

There are countless cases such as this today in the courts across America. While adults are arguing about "their" rights, attorneys seek to make a buck, and judges seek to clear their dockets; the developing children are carrying the load on their tiny shoulders. Some judges are getting paid under the table to cooperate with the abusers; one need only follow the money trail. With a little bit of research under the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), all moneys which are passed through to a judge is a matter of public record. This can be proven across America, and has been in several cases. If you believe this to be happening in your case, do not hesitate to do your research. Research your judge, the attorneys on both sides, and follow the money trail. Children are in the balance.

By the same token, some judges really do care about the truth, however, corrupt attorneys leverage the court using the law to force their hand to "give the abuser" another chance even when there has been NO change. Again, it is the child who pays for these reckless decisions. Sadly, the children are too often denied THEIR rights due to the selfish parent who puts their rights above the child and stupidly goes along with GAMING THE COURT FOR THE SAKE OF MONEY.

There is no way to be all inclusive in a short article such as this, but I want to say something on behalf of the judges. Two people come before their bench. Each one is telling their side of the story. One is telling the truth, the other is not. The judge does not live with them. His/her job is to discern who is telling the truth, weigh that against the written law of the land, and decide the outcome of the case in such a way that justice is served for all parties. Some judges seek to honor the law and to discern the facts as CAREfully as possible. Some do not. I have seen some cases where the abuser has had such a lasting detrimental impact on the children for so long, that the innocent parent is best served to be relieved of custody of the children for their safety and well-being. It is a very difficult thing all the way around.

In fairness to those parents who have gone astray and gotten themselves the help that they need, they should be given another chance. There are heart warming situations where that is exactly the case and even stories where, due to the abusive parent getting the help they needed, the family has come back together and lived happily ever after. Sadly, that is not always the case.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE RESEARCH THE JUDGES IN YOUR AREA BEFORE GIVING THEM YOUR VOTE? PLEASE GET INVOLVED AND EDUCATE YOURSELF OF THE REALITIES FACING OUR CHILDREN? Too many children have suffered behind polite smiles and ignorance in the community. Abusers are just that; ABUSERS. Our children need us to pay closer attention and to act responsibly with the only childhood they have.

