How Advanced Are YOU?

Ever wonder how "they" preserved meat without refrigeration? How did they eat fruit during the hard
frozen winter? Are those ways really LOST?

Could you imagine not having computers or cell phones? Refrigerators and freezers? How did they do it? In many parts of the country stand the remains of the "old days." The skeletal buildings from the generations before us, stand as monuments to the lives they lived. As we visited this building in Kennecott, I pondered how "they" did things back then. Our ancestors dreamed and hoped for things we take for granted today.

We have electricity, machines like refrigerators, washers and dryers, dishwashers. We jump in our cars and travel for many miles, but they walked or rode on horses or wagons.

How many things do we take for granted today, that our ancestors struggled to accomplish? How many of us throw away food, when generations of the past had to scrape by. They labored to gather berries, veggies, grains, and meat. Then there was the work to preserve their food, without the convenience of refirgerators and freezers so they could eat through the winter.

. Don't take what you have for granted. Pause a moment and listen carefully to the forgotten ways of our ancestors, and discover how they did it without the modern conveniences which we have today. Wow! So many skills have been lost. Consider how hard they worked just to survive one season, and compare that to our struggles today. Do we really have it rough?

In our "advanced" society, are we really more sustainable? Or are we more vulnerable than any other generation who has walked upon the earth.
Excellent F O O D for thought. DO NOT MISS THIS VIDEO.
