That Painting Made Us Flagellate!

I LOVE teaching drawing and painting to my students.  Children are amazing and the work they produce never ceases to amaze me!

This photo was pulled from Google Images and done by another artist and my students worked from it to produce pencil drawings of Marilyn Monroe. This pencil drawing was done by my son Joshua, age 16. I was teaching a class which I have named The Science Behind The Art. We were making bubble gum in class that day from Chickel from a tree. We mixed it all up and the children drew Marilyn from this photo and we created an entire painting from chewing gum.
I bought gum of bright colors and had EVERYONE in our school chewing gum! We put on gloves and created this painting all made of gum. Then we decoupaged it when it was 'dry' and had it framed.

That gum was sugarless gum and it contained aspartame. Everyone in our school was flagellating all day long from chewing so much of this gum as that is how large amounts of aspartame effects the digestive system. What a day THAT was!

I also teach painting to my students and often times, the acrylic paints in the stores are so expensive, that I will send the students online to buy their paints to save money without compromising quality. Acrylics are much easier to work with than chewing gum, believe me!

Here are a couple of links where you can purchase some good quality paints at a good price without paying the retail. Please support the students by supplying them with good quality products and thank you for the privilege to teach them. They are amazing people!
