Anxiety Won't Kill Me!

What do you mean, "Be anxious for nothing! Are you NUTS?"

Anxiety can be a useful motivator, or it can be a debilitating killer.

Some people function well in the presence of anxiety. For instance, when running a marathon one is full of the anticipation of beating the competition, anxiety plays a constructive roll in performance. In the case of my son's head-on collision, when he was pinned in his truck with the steering wheel pressed into his chest, anxiety triggered the necessary adrenaline to give him the onset strength to snap off the steering column, thus freeing his bodice so he could breathe. Once free, he was able to slowly squirm out of the cab of his truck and survived.

Then there is the slow, steady lifestyle anxiety which settles in when a person is living in hardship, such as one who has been raised with child abuse. Or perhaps you are a student in college and you suffer from anxiety before you take one major test after another. Whatever the source of the anxiety, unresolved, it can become a permanent condition in our bodies.

If we fear, not only will our emotions react but our bodies are wired to also react by releasing cortisol into our systems.

If sadness or stress is prolonged as a way of life, our bodies develop a pattern of anxiety which disrupts our sleep patterns and can eventually become a permanent condition which affects our emotional, and physical health long-term.

As we age, have children and the busy-ness that goes along with managing every aspect of their lives, the way our bodies deal with anxiety begins to change. Gone unchecked, it can lead to heart attack, stroke, fatty liver disease and a host of other health conditions, depending on the severity of our circumstances.

From a small child, I have been well acquainted with fear and anxiety. As life unfolded and dished out some pretty harsh situations to deal with, fear took up residence in my existence. Like a stubborn enemy, it haunted me in every aspect of my being.

During my pregnancy with my ninth child, anxiety presented itself as a bully that would not stand down. It was ever present with me. I found myself fainting and passing out as I was overwhelmed with anxiety from fear. Sleep had long since escaped me, and my heart rate became erratic. I slowly gained 250 pounds and could no longer walk.

I will only deal with something for so long and then I will kick it in the ass and confront it head-on. I gathered up my fat little self and back to the gym I went, off to the doctor, and dove into my medical books to seek solutions to my problem. It was difficult, but very rewarding to discover that there were real answers out there to reverse the effects of anxiety permanently.

Today, I have lost a great deal of excess weight, but weight-loss was not my primary problem.
The reaction to anxiety was at the root of my body's problems. My doctor, who was a chiropractor, used to poke his thumb up into the base of my skull, and by pressing hard, anxiety immediately ceased. If only I could have taken him with me everywhere I went.

Since that was not possible, I searched until I found a ...TOOL... that I could use myself and shut it off for myself. WOW! It worked. Now, every night, I cuddle up with my "portable Chiropractor" and remind my body over and over again, that everything is ok. I shut anxiety off completely. Now, I sleep like a baby!

I have been using this thing for the past 8 months and I am sleeping through the night, all night and have broken the pattern of anxiety in my body. I will never be without THIS again. AND, I will never be controlled by anxiety again.

Get help by clicking HERE
