We are all subject to the human condition and the battle of the bulge.
We eat, overeat, starve...
it is a continual struggle for the human race.
With countless diets and supplements out there, confusion reigns!
There are books galore covering weight loss to weight gain, fat-free, to fat loss.
Some are opinion based, some medically based, some are even experienced based.
As I explored the wide, wide world of weight loss solutions, a common theme of conflict presented itself. I tried, high protein, low-protein, no-protein, high carb, no-carb, low-fat, no-fat and regardless; the weight would not budge.
Being an aggressive body-builder and runner in excellent condition with perfect measurements of 36-26-36, and a consistently timed mile run at five-minutes, three times a week; I was not worried about the future condition of my body. I had a great trainer who micro-managed my food and water intake, life was great. My body could deal with stress no problem.
Each day began with a hearty breakfast, shower, run to gym including a short weight lifting session by 5:30 a.m., light jog to work, light lunch. Worked 8 hours, walked home, changed and off to the gym for a heavy weight-lifting session. Run to the local delicatessen on the way home,
greek salad for dinner, slow walk home, shower and off to bed. Slept like a baby.
As the years passed, I gave birth to ten-children and everything changed. Nothing would be the same in my system. Stress moved in for the kill. Sleep escaped me. My heavy weight lifting schedule consisted of the heavy weight of raising my family and meeting the continual demands day AND night.
Diet? What diet? Being the mother of ten-children did not afford me the time to eat a meal. I ground my own grain, baked everything from scratch, but did not have time to sit and eat with my children. Usually, while the children ate, I fed the baby (whichever number it was at the time), and would choke down whatever nutrition might be left after the children finished.
Over time, my body fell apart and so did my constitution. I lost my muscle tone, and my hair even began falling out. Slowly but surely, I gained body fat. As I was under nourished, my body compensated for the nutrition I lacked in my diet, by eating away my muscle structure and translating what was once my hard, perfectly toned muscle structure, into stored body fat.
Draped with fat, I did not even recognize myself anymore. I was trapped under a blanket of adipose tissue that I could not shed. Restful, peaceful nights were replaced with long hours of tossing and turning and a brain that could not shut off.
Thoughts raced constantly through my mind as I planned the events and schedule for my family for the next day. Finally, my thyroid stalled to a crawl. Like a worn out generator, my thyroid gave up on metabolizing. All systems dimmed. Being a mechanic, I understand that the thyroid can be best illustrated by comparing it to the alternator in your car. As the alternator runs, it generates energy to run the battery and the many electrical systems in the engine. When the alternator dies, the battery drains and the engine cannot run. So it is with the thyroid of the human body. No thyroid, no metabolism. Every thing in my body slowly died until I finally could not walk with out a great deal of struggle.
When I found myself laying flat on my back in our local Walmart store with a woman leaning over me instructing her chubby co-worker to "get some orange juice for the fat lady passed out on the floor!" I decided it was time to carve Cyndy out of the mass mountain of fat!
This is me in 1985 in perfect health and condition! Not a care in the world and certainly did not fathom that one day body fat would be an issue for me. It didn't even occur to me. I was young, healthy and able to sleep blissfully through the night. Little did I know what waited just beyond the horizon.
This was me at my heaviest weight to the right here. The work load of raising and educating such a large family was hard enough, but it was magnified as my body slowed down. It became very difficult to walk and I was easily out of breath and often suffered from anxiety and dizziness.
This is me today. After a very difficult fight for my health and well being, I am finally on the road to repair. The journey in between was desperately difficult. I literally fought for every breath for a time during the past fifteen years. I intend to share some of the most valuable secrets with you as I share here, and I hope they will be a blessing to you.
P.S. Too many companies out there tried to scalp me and actually did! I was willing to pay whatever it took, to shed my body fat. I did find a company along the way, about halfway into my weightloss journey, who appeared to be helpful. They seemed to have the answers and they had one very good product. Upon further interaction and training with them, I learned of the inside scams and how they were taking advantage of the customer's desire to lose weight and their willingness to pay anything, just like me. I bailed out of the company and will never go back.
I went back to my tried and true, BODYBUILDING where I found my success. Today I am more occupied with health and balance than I am actual bodybuiding, but am mixing back into my routine weights and just plain old common sense and good nutrition.
DO NOT spend another dime on senseless products and gimmics. Take the time to find a program that WILL work for you. I have included a link to tried and true which has and is still, working for me! God bless you on your journey. Health first. Make better choices.
CLICK HERE for answers and reasonable discounts!
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