A few years back, as we were purchasing some lambs for my son David, the farmer who bred those sheep explained to me that in his experience, if he did not separate the mother from her lambs as soon as possible, it could prove to be impossible to separate them later. He said that he had lambs grieve to death after being removed from their mothers too late. Once the lambs taste the bond of their mother, they do not do well when you separate them.
He went on to share his experience with us about different aspects of shepherding and how important it is to keep the pasture clean and well tended. As we walked around the farm, there were two-separate fields.One where the sheep were feeding with their lambs which was looking pretty well-mowed, and a fresh green field with no creatures in it at all.
"Why is that field so nice and green and this one is almost bare?" I asked.
"See how the sheep rip up the clumps of grass? They will even eat the roots if I do not move them soon enough to new pasture. Around the roots of the grass is where the little worms live. If I let them feed on that, it will get into their intestines and they will not be as healthy.So, I move them to the fresh pasture and let this one grow back in and I keep rotating them like that so they are continually eating fresh, healthy green grass. Then they are not interested in chomping on the roots. Sheep are very vulnerable creatures, hence their need for a shepherd."
Got me to thinking:
I do not care what criticism this temporal world slings our way; our God-given calling is to bond with each child brought forth into this life through our very own bodies. No man on this earth has a right to separate a mother and child. NOR, does anyone have the right to sever or redirect that bond. There is an international movement to sever mother and child and to replace mother with father, teachers, computers and many other "fill-ins."
Each child has the right to bond with and be with their momma. And Momma, they will feed where you feed and go where you lead. All things in this life are permissible, but all things are not necessarily profitable. Before indulging ourselves in all areas, food, tv, activities, and behaviors, let us stop and consider well what is set before us being mindful that our little lambs are feeding by our sides. Where are we leading them?
We have a high calling. The life of a child is a precious thing, let us consider very soberly even our very thoughts. God give us the grace to take back and guide each valuable life, one heart at a time. Embrace your calling, be the best mother you can.


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