A Three Inch Latch Saved My Baby's Life!

When I was raising my "lil'" tribe, there was limited help and support.
Upon the birth of my first child, I had zero knowledge of how to even change a

When my third child was born, my first son, he had to be hospitalized. It was
a very traumatic experience. He was in the hospital for five, long days. Imagine my
excitement when they said I could take him home!

I bundled him all up and held him close in my arms and the charge nurse came along
and took him right out of my arms. I asked her what she was doing? She said, "Do you
have a safe, up to date car seat for him?"

Perplexed, I answered, "We have a baby carseat."

"No," she corrected me, "I asked if you have a safe, up to date, carseat?"

I didn't know such a thing was an issue. All we had was the same carseat which
we had used for our other two babies. It was still in good condition and we thought
all was well. We were shocked when she made me stay until one of us went and bought
another carseat. Wow. Has this happened to you?

Only a few short months later, we received a notice that our older baby's carseat
latch was on recall. We responded and turned it in. They gave us a demonstration of
just how important that little latch which held together the two canvas straps

They showed us how to be sure that it was indeed fastened across both straps. The military relocated us back up in Alaska. To our horror, as we were travelling down an icy hill through Canada, the van travelling towards us in the other lane, lost control and slammed us head-on.

Just moments before that, my four-year old daughter had unfastened that little latch. I noticed it and said, "No, no sweetheart, this has to stay latched." Of course she protested claiming it was too tight. I fastened it back together and in seconds felt the crash!

Her carseat sprung open at the bottom and her body flew out of her seat helplessly, and that blessed latchtightened around the base of her little neck and saved her life! I was thrown across the van and could do nothing to help my poor baby as I watched her tiny body hurling towards the side window of our van. Thank-God I had noticed that latch and had refastened it, inspite of her protests.

Do you have a safe carseat and the gear you need? ENTER HERE
to learn more and let's keep these little people as safe as we can.

Our children are the most precious treasures we have. Let us look out for them and tend to what they are too little to care about themselves.
