Proverbs 20:11
 Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.

Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.

We lay our lives down, shed our blood to bring a dear child
into this world.  We and our child suffer the pain of delivery
from two different perspectives.

Til birth, our bodies enshroud this wee one in the safety of our
womb.  While we carry this child inside of our body, we feel a
connection physically, emotionally and even spiritually.  We alone
feel the presence of this child; we sense the emotions of this child.

We feel their tiny body growing inside of us and we become familiar with their
patterns of movement, when they awake and sleep.  We sense their distress
and they react to ours.

Alas the day arrives to set life aside to deliver this child from the restriction of the womb. 
Up until that moment, the womb provided, food, warmth, comfort, and safety;
however for the child to remain there, it would no longer be safe for either of us.

To remain there will harm the wee one who needs to come forth.  As God designed
it, suddenly, we are gripped with the pain of childbirth, forcing us to lay down
to focus only on the delivery of this child. 

As we sink into a pain unmatched by any other in our human experience,
our undivided attention is riveted on each shallow breath we take.
After some time, we hear the blessed cries of our lil' captive.

In ecstasy, that last push, we are both delivered from the pain.
Finally, this child is placed in our arms.  We can at long last, express to this child
our love for them.  We gently rap our arms around them, they hear our
voice as we whisper into their tiny ears how much we adore them.
Our senses come alive!

As they grow and begin to explore the world, our hearts are full of the hopes
and dreams for the direction they will pursue.  Suddenly, conflict arises as
they grow into their bodies and their own will. 

Patterns of mischief and rebellion emerge in their character.  We exhaust
every effort to steer them aright.  To no avail, this child continues to pursue
their own ends to their own detriment. 

Soberly understanding where their destructive decisions will certainly lead them, we
read books, seek out advice, go for counseling, and we pray, yet, nothing
seems to help us help this child turn in the right direction. 

The older the child gets,
the worse decisions they make and the more shattering their bad decisions become.
Their decisions begin to harm the family society as a whole.  We are faced with
decisions we never thought possible when we carried them inside of us.

Does this sound familiar? 
Sadly, you and I can give each child life abundant and pour ourselves out
for them to the point of even draining our blood, yet, we cannot be their
conscience.  Nor can we force them to do what is right in the sight of God.

Read the above verses of God's word.  Recognize, each child is an individual
before God and they will do and be exactly who they are. 

Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour and another unto dishonor?

Every mother hopes her child to be happy, successful and pours herself out for
her child to the best of her ability.  None of us wants to even entertain the thought that
our child might be destined for hardship or destruction.

Yet, there are children who have set their face against God
and every good thing He has established, to include
the good things He has given you to impart to your child.

Should you find yourself in this position, seek peace, pursue it for your family
in whichever way is at your disposal and pray for that lost soul. 
You never know, perhaps it may please the Lord to redeem your lil' one
after you have left this earth.  Perhaps not at all.  Only HE can open the ears, eyes and heart.
Whatever HIS decision, He is right to do as HE pleases with your child. He created that
child, you and I are merely the vessels through which he brought this child forth. 

Yet, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone, even your wayward child.
That is not to say however, let that wayward child do you or your family harm. 

Sometimes the most loving thing we can do is separate from that wayward one.  Peacefully
let them alone; leave them up to God.  He knows what HE is doing.  Get out of the way
of whatever God has purposed for that child and pray for them always.  Never fail to lift
that one up before our great and awesome loving heavenly Father.  Do not rail on that child
or lecture them, or insult them or their lives.  Our words cannot turn them towards what is right
when they have purposed to set their faces against God and all that is right. 

Should we express our grief or disappointment, it will only serve to further isolate them from our
love, leave them peacefully alone.  Trust the living God to be God. 

God give you the grace if you have such a child.  I can say with absolute certainty, we serve an
awesome God who knows all things and has purposed all things.  Seek comfort in HIM. 
